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15:16 Unknown 0 Comments

This blog is being privatly provided and maintained by:

Daria Winkler & Christoph Biber
8020 Graz

For further contact details please feel free to contact us via mail.

Purpose and orientation of this blog

This blog and all related content, such as posts, pictures, etc. are non-commercial and reflect the opinion and impressions of Daria Winkler and Christoph Biber. We do reserve the right to delete/hide comments if they are offending, racist, misanthropic or against the current law.


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Please be informed that all personal data published on this blog  must not be used for commercial purposes or spam.

Liability to links

Altough the links published in this bolg are responsibly picked we cannot be made legally liable for the content which is shown at the website the link refers to. We will not check if the links are maintained.


All pictures and text published on this blog is intellectual property of Daria Winkler & Christoph Biber unless where noted diffrently.

For commercial use of the content feel free to contact us.